33 research outputs found

    Framework Programmable Platform for the Advanced Software Development Workstation (FPP/ASDW). Demonstration framework document. Volume 1: Concepts and activity descriptions

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    The Framework Programmable Software Development Platform (FPP) is a project aimed at effectively combining tool and data integration mechanisms with a model of the software development process to provide an intelligent integrated software development environment. Guided by the model, this system development framework will take advantage of an integrated operating environment to automate effectively the management of the software development process so that costly mistakes during the development phase can be eliminated. The Advanced Software Development Workstation (ASDW) program is conducting research into development of advanced technologies for Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE)

    Acute kidney disease and renal recovery : consensus report of the Acute Disease Quality Initiative (ADQI) 16 Workgroup

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    Consensus definitions have been reached for both acute kidney injury (AKI) and chronic kidney disease (CKD) and these definitions are now routinely used in research and clinical practice. The KDIGO guideline defines AKI as an abrupt decrease in kidney function occurring over 7 days or less, whereas CKD is defined by the persistence of kidney disease for a period of > 90 days. AKI and CKD are increasingly recognized as related entities and in some instances probably represent a continuum of the disease process. For patients in whom pathophysiologic processes are ongoing, the term acute kidney disease (AKD) has been proposed to define the course of disease after AKI; however, definitions of AKD and strategies for the management of patients with AKD are not currently available. In this consensus statement, the Acute Disease Quality Initiative (ADQI) proposes definitions, staging criteria for AKD, and strategies for the management of affected patients. We also make recommendations for areas of future research, which aim to improve understanding of the underlying processes and improve outcomes for patients with AKD

    Height-diameter allometry and above ground biomass in tropical montane forests: Insights from the Albertine Rift in Africa

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    Tropical montane forests provide an important natural laboratory to test ecological theory. While it is well-known that some aspects of forest structure change with altitude, little is known on the effects of altitude on above ground biomass (AGB), particularly with regard to changing height-diameter allometry. To address this we investigate (1) the effects of altitude on height-diameter allometry, (2) how different height-diameter allometric models affect above ground biomass estimates; and (3) how other forest structural, taxonomic and environmental attributes affect above ground biomass using 30 permanent sample plots (1-ha; all trees ≥ 10 cm diameter measured) established between 1250 and 2600 m asl in Kahuzi Biega National Park in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Forest structure and species composition differed with increasing altitude, with four forest types identified. Different height-diameter allometric models performed better with the different forest types, as trees got smaller with increasing altitude. Above ground biomass ranged from 168 to 290 Mg ha-1, but there were no significant differences in AGB between forests types, as tree size decreased but stem density increased with increasing altitude. Forest structure had greater effects on above ground biomass than forest diversity. Soil attributes (K and acidity, pH) also significantly affected above ground biomass. Results show how forest structural, taxonomic and environmental attributes affect above ground biomass in African tropical montane forests. They particularly highlight that the use of regional height-diameter models introduces significant biases in above ground biomass estimates, and that different height-diameter models might be preferred for different forest types, and these should be considered in future studies

    What determines cell size?

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    AbstractFirst paragraph (this article has no abstract) For well over 100 years, cell biologists have been wondering what determines the size of cells. In modern times, we know all of the molecules that control the cell cycle and cell division, but we still do not understand how cell size is determined. To check whether modern cell biology has made any inroads on this age-old question, BMC Biology asked several heavyweights in the field to tell us how they think cell size is controlled, drawing on a range of different cell types. The essays in this collection address two related questions - why does cell size matter, and how do cells control it

    An analysis of factors affecting the market price of electricity: the case of Phelix index

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    The addition reaction of potassium atoms with oxygen has been studied using the collinear photofragmentation and atomic absorption spectroscopy (CPFAAS) method. KCl vapor was photolyzed with 266 nm pulses and the absorbance by K atoms at 766.5 nm was measured at various delay times with a narrow line width diode laser. Experiments were carried out with O<sub>2</sub>/N<sub>2</sub> mixtures at a total pressure of 1 bar, over 748–1323 K. At the lower temperatures single exponential decays of [K] yielded the third-order rate constant for addition, <i>k</i><sub>R1</sub>, whereas at higher temperatures equilibration was observed in the form of double exponential decays of [K], which yielded both <i>k</i><sub>R1</sub> and the equilibrium constant for KO<sub>2</sub> formation. <i>k</i><sub>R1</sub> can be summarized as 1.07 × 10<sup>–30</sup>(<i>T</i>/1000 K)<sup>−0.733</sup> cm<sup>6</sup> molecule<sup>–2</sup> s<sup>–1</sup>. Combination with literature values leads to a recommended <i>k</i><sub>R1</sub> of 5.5 × 10<sup>–26</sup><i>T</i><sup>–1.55</sup> exp­(−10/<i>T</i>) cm<sup>6</sup> molecule<sup>–2</sup> s<sup>–1</sup> over 250–1320 K, with an error limit of a factor of 1.5. A van’t Hoff analysis constrained to fit the computed Δ<i>S</i><sub>298</sub> yields a K–O<sub>2</sub> bond dissociation enthalpy of 184.2 ± 4.0 kJ mol<sup>–1</sup> at 298 K and Δ<sub>f</sub><i>H</i><sub>298</sub>(KO<sub>2</sub>) = −95.2 ± 4.1 kJ mol<sup>–1</sup>. The corresponding <i>D</i><sub>0</sub> is 181.5 ± 4.0 kJ mol<sup>–1</sup>. This value compares well with a CCSD­(T) extrapolation to the complete basis set limit, with all electrons correlated, of 177.9 kJ mol<sup>–1</sup>